



上传时间:2022-09-02 10:05:28浏览量:499


  近期哥大学校长 Lee C. Bollinger在8月底发表演讲,这里面对的新生来自2026届哥伦比亚学院和工程学院,在这里校长对新生提出了7条建议,从这些建议中,也可以看出哥大本科录取偏好, 包括人格特点、学习态度和价值观等做出了明示,对2023fall哥大申请者而言,无疑可以起到很大的帮助!


  “First, you can make yourself smarter if you work at it.”-“首先,如果你努力的话,你可以让自己变得更聪明。”

  “You may lose track of the discussion, listen to a lecture without following the argument, read a book and feel lost; look at a painting and see nothing special only to find later how others see layers and layers of meaning. And you may get grades below your expectations for yourself. The critical point is that you never feel any of this is due to an unchangeable part of your intellect. If I have learned one thing in life, it is that over time (perhaps over a lifetime) you can change your capacities of your mind for the better. You just have to believe that and to work at it.”


  “Second, you must constantly be alert to your bad intellectual impulses.”-你必须时刻警惕自己不良的智力冲动。

  “Thinking well is not easy; indeed, it’s not entirely natural. You have to work at that, and against your instincts…. In the university, we are all about seeing complexity, exploring different ways of seeing things, holding multiple perspectives and possibilities in one’s mind simultaneously so we can examine them carefully, being skeptical, and acknowledging we may be in error. So, if your natural impulse is to simplify everything and to resist complexity, then you will continually struggle.”


  “Third, I really encourage you to think big, even unrealistically big.”-鼓励想得远大一些,即使是不切实际的远大。

  “Set big goals for yourself. Let yourself have high aspirations, both for knowledge and for doing things. Let yourself have your own big dreams. (This is one natural impulse I would not discourage.) It adds meaning to our lives, a sense of purpose, and for the most part is relatively harmless. (Depending, of course, on the substance of the dreams!)”


  “Fourth, you need to develop the capacity to be enthralled—enchanted—by greatness.”-需要培养被伟大所吸引的能力

  “We need to develop a genuine respect for great works and accomplishments across the span of humanity (including an appreciation of expertise, something painfully lacking in today’s political culture).”


  “Fifth, I urge you to make close friends along this journey of life beginning now.”-在人生的旅途上交朋友,从现在开始

  “I mean the great minds and works you will encounter in your studies. Select a few, those who appeal to something inside you, and live with them; make them part of your daily life; read a page, or a paragraph (or look at an image or hear the sounds or see the actions), and let your mind probe deeper and deeper into their meanings and hear your own thoughts in response. Great human achievements warrant a lifetime of attention.”


  “Sixth, please do not think that smartness is everything in life.”-不要认为聪明就是生活的全部

  “Being a good person, as simple and as complicated as that little statement is, is certainly equally high on our list of human qualities. We try to be that here, as well, but we also know, and you need to bear in mind always, that we are not doing everything here. I would only add that being a good person starts with how we treat each other in our little community, and, as Edmund Burke observed, it radiates out from there to humanity broadly.”


  “Seventh, and last, I urge you to enjoy this period of life you are entering because, in all likelihood, it will never be like this again.”-享受学习生活,从细节做起

  “This unconditional embrace of the life of the mind we nurture here is unique. Nowhere else in the world will you encounter this way of being, certainly to this degree. It is in details that larger world views are often revealed. And for us that detail is the footnote. Everything that is possible to know and understand is our ambition, reason is our method and our guide, and adding just a bit more is our goal. Every step is documented and attributed, and the footnote serves as the foundation. So, whenever you see a footnote, think of the academic culture behind it.”









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