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上传时间:2023-01-09 10:20:50浏览量:352
根据最新消息,波士顿大学2025-26学年SAT宣布“ test optional”,延续了2023-24学年标化政策,它适用于本科所有学院招生,包括奖学金申请,该次举措,预示着波士顿大学未来将更加侧重于关注学生的学术和个人成就,以便更加全面且科学的选择出适合波士顿大学的最佳候选人。
“I am pleased to announce that Boston University has decided to remain test optional for students applying for admission through fall 2025 and spring 2026. Our test optional policy applies to all undergraduate schools and colleges at BU, as well as all scholarship programs.
While the admissions process at Boston University has always been holistic and decisions have never been based solely on one single factor, such as an SAT or ACT score, the move to test optional over the past two years has improved our process by adding considerable weight to the important qualities and characteristics that focus more on you and your academic and personal accomplishments. Our process is thoughtful and designed to ensure that the Board of Admissions has the opportunity to not only learn about you but to envision how you will impact and enrich the campus community. Our promise is to make well-informed and insightful decisions on each and every application, and to give full consideration to the whole student and the totality of your academic and life experiences.”-来自波士顿大学官方发布《Update to Boston University’s Standardized Test Policy》
此外,根据波士顿大学本科Common Data Set数据来看,该学校把SAT成绩列为考试事项,不是必须事项,所以在未来录取过程中,递交也会进入录取审核范围,且根据录取数据而言,2021年秋季波士顿大学SAT递交情况来看,这里百分之32的新生递交此项成绩,期间分数区间如下:(中位数)
SAT Evidence-Based Reading and Writing:670-740
SAT Math:700-780
SAT Composite:1390-1490