1、AP 微积分AB
2、AP 微积分BC
3、AP 统计
4、AP 宏观经济学
5、AP 微观经济学
咨询留学问题WX:Little-sherry520高中选课建议在高中尽可能多地学习高等数学课程。有计算机和编程语言经验的申请者可以获得优先权。逻辑和物理课程将帮助申请者理解复杂数学的一些更实际的应用。AP Calculus AB/BC AP微积分AB/BCDiscrete Math离散数学Linear Algebra线性代数Computer Science 计算机科学AP Statistics AP统计AP Physics AP物理
高中数学竞赛推荐AMC 10/12 美国数学竞赛ARML 美国区域数学竞赛HiMCM 美国高中生数学建模大赛滑铁卢大学欧几里得数学竞赛Google Science Fair 谷歌科学奖HMMT 哈佛 - 麻省理工数学竞赛丘成桐数学奖
学习方法爱好者 自律达人养成例如:MIT本科数学专业申请针对AP或者IB课程修读提出这几项要求:
International Baccalaureate:Calculus I
A score of 7 entitles you to twelve units of credit for 18.01, Calculus I. No credit is given for scores lower than 7.
AP Examination:BC Calculus\AB Calculus
A score of 5 on the BC Calculus College Board Advanced Placement examination entitles you to twelve units of credit for 18.01, Calculus I. No credit is awarded for the AB Calculus examination or for scores lower than 5 on the BC Examination.
A score of 5 on the AB Calculus Examination or on the AB portion of the BC examination allows you to enroll in 18.01A. If you wish to exercise this option, please release the relevant AP examination score to MIT.
If you receive 18.01 credit by any route (other than by passing the MIT course) but elect to take 18.01A, three units of general elective credit will be awarded in place of the twelve units of 18.01 credit. You will also receive twelve units of credit for a passing grade in 18.01A.