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上传时间:2024-05-15 11:45:47浏览量:625
UCL申请难度较高,入读国际生需要参加指定语言考试,但是基于大环境变换,语言考试也会做出改变,近期,UCL重新接受PTE online考试,这是继限制之后的宽松处理,下面就随tops留学老师一起来看看吧!
一、好消息!UCL重新接受PTE online考试
现在,2025fall,UCL接受PTE online考试作为英语语言能力证明,官网通知显示,OFFER持有人需在2024年8月初前满足UCL的英语要求,具体日期以OFFER邮件为准,时间差异不大。
Level 1: Overall score of 75 with a minimum of 67 in each Communicative Skill
Level 2: Overall score of 76 with a minimum of 75 in each Communicative Skill
Level 3: Overall score of 76 with a minimum of 76 in each Communicative Skill
Level 4: Overall score of 80 with a minimum of 76 in each Communicative Skill
Level 5: Overall score of 88 with a minimum of 80 in each Communicative Skill
二、回顾,UCL对于PTE online考试态度严格
据了解,部分ucl学院开始表明不接受PTE成绩,比如institute of Finance and Technology变为只接受雅思和托福。
International English Language Testing System (IELTS) Academic Version
Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL)
Cambridge English: C2 Proficiency (CPE), previously known as Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency in English
Cambridge English: C1 Advanced (CAE), previously known as Cambridge Certificate of Advanced English
Pearson Test of English (Academic)
Trinity College London, Integrated Skills in English (Trinity ISE) II
Trinity College London, Integrated Skills in English (Trinity ISE) III
Trinity College London, Integrated Skills in English (Trinity ISE) IV
Occupational English Test (OET)
UCL Institute of Education Preparation for Academic Studies in Higher Education (PASHE)
English language test results sent by email,
additional test scores whilst your application is being considered (you will be able to provide them to us if you receive an offer of a place),
unofficial test reports or screenshots of your test scores.
以上是关于UCL重新接受PTE online考试的全部新闻,欢迎大家添加VX:Tops6868,托普仕留学多年名校申请经验助力你的留学申请。