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上传时间:2024-04-15 16:19:06浏览量:540
伦敦国王学院复杂系统建模硕士全称Complex Systems Modelling MSc,一年即可读完,入读需要满足2比1以上学位,还需达到满意的语言能力,毕业之后可从事工程师、经理人和CEO等高级职位,下面就随tops留学老师一起来看看吧!
专业全称:Complex Systems Modelling MSc
A minimum 2:1 undergraduate Bachelor’s (honours) degree
If you have a lower degree classification, or a degree in an unrelated subject, your application may be considered if you can demonstrate significant relevant work experience, or offer a related graduate qualification (such as a Masters or PGDip)
Award of Bachelor degree with an average score of 85% as evidenced by a Bachelor Degree Certificate and Final Transcripts (with official English translations). A 'prestigious institution' is one which is classified as by UK ENIC or within the Project 211/Double First Class list of institutions. You will be a stronger candidate for admission if you have high grades and are attending a university considered prestigious. For postgraduate programmes within the King’s Business School, the department of Informatics, the department of Engineering and some programmes (Master of Laws (LLM), Political Economy MA, Public Policy MA), please note that offers will usually only be made to applicants from universities considered prestigious by UK ENIC at the point of assessment.
English language band:B
Applications must be made online using King’s Apply, the Admissions Portal. A non-refundable application fee of £120 applies..
A personal statement is required. You must answer the following three questions on the application form:
Why are you applying for this specific programme, and how does it fit with your future plans? (max 250 words)
How does your experience and education make you a suitable candidate for this programme? (max 250 words)
Please briefly outline the contents of 2-3 of the most advanced pure mathematics modules you have taken/are currently taking, which might include an undergraduate project/dissertation. (max 250 words)
One academic reference is required. A professional reference will be accepted if you have completed your qualifications over five years ago. In some cases, we may request an additional reference from you.