



上传时间:2024-03-05 13:33:15浏览量:417








  数据科学与社会学院院长Stan Ahalt表示:“我们很自豪能够推出数据科学与学会学院的第一个本科生学位。”。“这一新项目将为学生们提供一个深入研究数据科学的机会,并研究如何将这项科学应用于不同的学科,以解决我们州面临的最大挑战。数据科学几乎是现代社会一切的一部分,我们希望培养出优秀的数据科学家,并在未来继续为我们的世界做出贡献。”




  Craver Family文理学院院长Jim White说:“当我与行业领袖会面时,我一次又一次地听到他们希望如何聘用既有文科基础,又有理解、应用和解释数据能力的毕业生。”。“想象一下,一位分析民意调查数据的政治学家,或者一位为人工智能研究大型语言系统的语言学家——这些都是我们的数据科学学士学位将帮助我们的学生做好准备的工作类型。”


  附原文:来自《UNC-Chapel Hill launches undergraduate data science degree programs》

  The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill will offer two new undergraduate degree programs with classes starting fall 2024. The Bachelor of Science in Data Science degree will be in the School of Data Science and Society, while the Bachelor of Arts in Data Science degree will be in the College of Arts and Sciences.

  The two new degree programs were approved at the Feb. 29 UNC Board of Governors meeting. Application submissions open today for the B.S. program for the fall 2024 semester. The B.A. program does not require a formal application, but students are asked to complete a letter of interest.

  This new B.S. degree is the first undergraduate degree for the School of Data Science and Society. This new school on the UNC-Chapel Hill campus introduced its first online graduate program last year. The Master of Applied Data Science gives students a holistic understanding of the data life cycle, preparing them to effectively — and ethically — collect, process, manage and analyze data.

  The B.S. degree requires 60 to 62 credit hours and focuses on the rigorous quantitative foundations of data science; advanced computational, statistical and mathematical principals of data science; and interdisciplinary coursework.

  “We are proud to launch the School of Data Science and Society’s first undergraduate degree,” said Stan Ahalt, dean of the School of Data Science and Society. “This new program will offer students an opportunity to dive into the depths of data science and look at how this science can be applied to different disciplines in order to solve our state’s greatest challenges. Data science is part of almost everything in modern society, and we hope to produce data scientists that will excel and continue to contribute to our world well into the future.”

  The B.A. degree program will be based in the College of Arts and Sciences’ department of statistics and operations research, or STOR. This degree has an emphasis on applied data science training for students pursuing a variety of career paths. It is well suited for students who want to double major or whose interests lie in fields as diverse as earth science, public policy or political science, geospatial analysis, or bioinformatics.

  “When I meet with industry leaders, I hear again and again how they want to hire graduates with a firm grounding in the liberal arts but also the ability to understand, apply, and interpret data,” said Jim White, Craver Family Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. “Picture a political scientist analyzing polling data or a linguist working on large language systems for AI — these are the types of jobs our B.A. in data science will help our students prepare for.”

  A minor in data science is also offered through the College and housed in STOR. This interdisciplinary minor, launched in 2021, introduces students to methods and applications that are used in basic and applied sciences, the humanities, social sciences and other disciplines.








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